南奥塞梯用英语怎么说 南奥塞梯英语翻译

南奥塞梯的英语翻译是"South Ossetians",还可以翻译为South Ossetia,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到95个与南奥塞梯相关的短语释义和例句。

南奥塞梯用英语怎么说 南奥塞梯英语翻译

南奥塞梯的英语翻译是"South Ossetians",还可以翻译为South Ossetia,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到95个与南奥塞梯相关的短语释义和例句。

3. On Sunday, Georgia said it had withdrawn its troops from South Ossetia's capital as a goodwill gesture.


4. Upon receipt of the order of the troops will in South Ossetia, after eight hours.

5. Team touched down in South Ossetia 18 minutes ago.

6. The administrative border with South Ossetia.

7. Mr. Putin said there were signs of genocide against the Ossetian people.

8. The Ossetians are just a partner of convenience.

9. a person is stationed in North Ossetia.

10. in principle, sub-national states should sometimes be able to secede, but South Ossetia and Abkhazia clearly do not qualify.


11. They are Ossetians like me.

12. You gotta tell me what happened in South Ossetia.

13. South Ossetia is entirely dependent on Russian aid, which Mr. Peskov said would continue.


14. So you're with the Ossetians?

15. We gave Alex a full brain and body scan when she got back from South Ossetia-- didn't find anything.


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