临路歌用英语怎么说 临路歌的英语翻译

临路歌用英语说"WORKSONG",其次还可以说成"field holler",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到92个与临路歌相关的翻译和例句。

临路歌用英语怎么说 临路歌的英语翻译

临路歌用英语说"WORKSONG",其次还可以说成"field holler",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到92个与临路歌相关的翻译和例句。

3. i don't know, man. i'm not feelin' ready.

4. i cut you up into little pieces.

5. i haven't seen a yet.

6. Where you been? Are you all right?

7. You haven't even kissed me yet.

8. Thought they'd still be here

9. You're still young, Mel, a good-looking woman.

10. There are other people trying to find you.

11. And there's going to be flutes playing and trombones and flowers and garlands of fresh herbs.

译文:临穦叫篓拷 临Τ腹㎝翧 临Τ灌籹硑吏。

12. if you tell me now that... you still love him

13. Were not done. Youvve still got something i need.

14. - She's alive! She's alive!

15. Such a long time ago, we were just a couple of kids.




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