颜色用英语怎么说 颜色的英语翻译


颜色用英语怎么说 颜色的英语翻译


Selective Color Color Optional color Polychromatic optional ( 可选颜色 )

Color Table color map Color Chart COLOUR LIST ( 颜色表 )

Munsell color system ( 孟塞尔颜色系统 )

Colors Song Colour Song Colours A Song of Colours ( 颜色歌 )

Proof Color Proof f Color ( 校样颜色 )

Diffuse Color mapping Color Map ColorModifier-Maps ( 颜色贴图 )

4. You can specify a color using the color's name, its RGB triplet, or the hex value for the color.


5. They're different colors. You need two different...

6. Now, let's see what we can find.

7. My hopes have colors that match the sky.

8. Eye color. Skin tone. Hair follicles.

9. -What color was his tie? -Color?

10. The colours! Stop the colours!

11. - Yeah. i based the color on...

12. Yellow's the color of sunshine, energy.

13. So the color in this jacket is coming purely from green tea.

14. Than the color of his eyes

15. No, let's not have any color. No color.





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