正告用英语怎么说 正告的英语翻译

正告的英语是"earnestly admonish",还可以翻译为warn sternly,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到50个与正告相关的译文和例句。

正告用英语怎么说 正告的英语翻译

正告的英语是"earnestly admonish",还可以翻译为warn sternly,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到50个与正告相关的译文和例句。

1. form of warning([法] 正告, 正式警告)

quota warning level ( 配额正告等级 )

1. And all 10 men are telling her how beautiful she is and how amazing she is.

译文:并且全部10个人正告诉她 她是多么美丽啊 并且她多么惊人。

2. Oh, hey, Mom. Uh, i was just telling Carey - about our study group.

3. They are now telling shareholders to reject the offer and withdraw their acceptances.

4. Mr. Speaker, my fellow Americans tonight i stand before you to report that the state of our Union is strong.

译文:议长先生国民们 今晚我可以正告各位 我国国情一片大好。

5. i was just telling her about the rhyme they all sing about him now.

6. Your body is talking to me.

7. So the genome really tells you much more about predisposition.

8. But now you're telling me this isn't true? No, Kim.

9. - i'm telling you what that guy said.

10. Was anything she ever told me true?

11. You're telling me all those guys don't know either?

12. Yes, i think it would fit you very well.

译文:我正告诉亨特有关蓝裙子的事儿 对 我觉得你穿上应该很合身。

13. Curzio's been giving me some of the family history.

14. Rosr is telling her mother about the running race.

15. So the genome really tells you much more about predisposition.




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