躁用英语怎么说 躁的英语翻译


躁用英语怎么说 躁的英语翻译


to guard against arrogance and impetuosity Arrogance BEWARE OF BEING OVER CONFIDENT uky ( 戒骄戒躁 )

manic street preachers ( 狂躁街道传教者 )

hypomania Mania mitis Mania levis ( 轻躁狂 )

Manic eode manic eode maniac access ( 躁狂发作 )

1. LEMiDAL to be continued in equal doses.

2. Bad-tempered probably have sleeping disorders

3. This is purely a case of manic depression.

4. There is a growing impatience among Scar's army.

5. - The professor, but isn't he....

6. Gentle sir, let me explain...

7. Be cool, man. Don't get your nuts in a bunch.

8. Alicia, Alicia, just wait a minute.

12. i'm not upset. Maybe you're upset.

13. (Lowered voice) She's bipolar.

14. Mr. Saggs, you'll just be patient

15. He accused me of being bipolar.





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