加电用英语怎么说 加电的英语翻译

加电的英语为"  power up",其次还可以说成"  Power-On",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到81个与加电相关的短语翻译和用法。

加电用英语怎么说 加电的英语翻译

加电的英语为"  power up",其次还可以说成"  Power-On",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到81个与加电相关的短语翻译和用法。

Ballast resistor added resistance adapter resistance ( 附加电阻 )

applied electromotive force ( 外加电动势 )

added circuit ADD CIRUIT adder circuit ( 相加电路 )

building out capacitor additional condenser building-out condenser building-out ( 附加电容器 )

superimposed circuit supercircuit ( 叠加电路 电子 )

1. brain electrical acti; electrical activity of brain;

2. Long-term follow-up of Ta transitional cell carcinoma of bladder after treatment of TURBt plus intravesical therapy

3. it's creating electrical patterns.

4. Perhaps the electrical surge

5. Electricity, you can't see that.

6. The police are putting out a jamming signal...

7. Objective To evaluate the electrocoagulation and the denudation of the of great saphenous veins and its effects.


8. Electricity, you can't see that.

9. Let's talk before you leave

10. Uh... there's, uh, there's no electricity here.

11. abstract: Objective: To investigate the curative effectiveness of low-frequency electrical stimulation for dysphagia after stoke.


12. - Charged? - We're charged.

13. See, yes. But we'll tag them with radio transmitters on a special frequency so that we can keep tabs on them.

译文:是 不过我们在它们身上加识别装置 再用特殊频率的无线电追踪它们。

14. With your lumen. i need to power-up.

15. - Oh, i felt an electric shock.




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