融资用英语怎么说 融资的英语翻译

融资的英语是"financing -",还网络中常译为"financing",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到43个与融资相关的译文和例句。

融资用英语怎么说 融资的英语翻译

融资的英语是"financing -",还网络中常译为"financing",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到43个与融资相关的译文和例句。

local government debt financing mechanism mechanism for local governments to secure financing throu( 地方举债融资机制 )

financing bottlenecks ( 融资瓶颈 )

combatting of terrorism financing ( 反恐融资 )

financing for investment ( 投资融资 )

1. Simply put, it's called financing.

5. What do we typically finance?


7. Use the new method of Commerce financing skilly

8. i'm just very passionate about corporate finance.

9. Now, how would the financing work?

10. A financial proposition. That interests you, doesn't it?

11. This is where you tell me how much you actually want to get.

12. Personalty Financing: New Approaches for Chinese Omit Corporations

13. And that meant financing it ourselves.

14. Washington Redskins the football team, not Washington Redskins, the audacious crowd funding company.

15. How would we finance this?




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