意想用英语怎么说 意想的英语翻译

意想用英语翻译为"  expect",还经常被译作expect,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到60个与意想相关的译文和例句。

意想用英语怎么说 意想的英语翻译

意想用英语翻译为"  expect",还经常被译作expect,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到60个与意想相关的译文和例句。

voluntary imagination ( 随意想象 )

involuntary imagination ( 不随意想象 )

aware be aware of get on to conscious of ( 意想到 )

extraordinary sudden unexpected not planned or expected ( 意想不到的 )

ideokinetic apraxia ( 意想运动性运用不能 医 )

Unlikely New Friends ( 意想不到的友谊 )

1. You think about whatever you think about.

2. The last thing they'd expect.

3. Rather an interesting development, sir.

4. They weren't expecting that

5. - isn't that great? - My gosh! That's incredible!

6. i wasn't trying to hurt him.

7. - What if you change your mind?

8. Do you yourself understand what you are offering me?

9. Things that wanted to hurt her?

10. She wants us to worry about her

11. - Whoo! - This is crazy. i never expected this.

12. Nature wanted them to be more.

13. She's just saying that to annoy me.

14. i got some business to discuss with you.

15. This is really amazingly hot!





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