吃紧用英语怎么说 吃紧的英语翻译

吃紧的英语翻译是"be hard pressed",还可以翻译为important,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到66个与吃紧相关的短语释义和例句。

吃紧用英语怎么说 吃紧的英语翻译

吃紧的英语翻译是"be hard pressed",还可以翻译为important,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到66个与吃紧相关的短语释义和例句。

Let's finish eating ( 我们赶紧吃完 )

And then hurried for breakfast Then hurry to eat breakfast ( 然后赶紧吃早饭 )

1. it'll be tight, 14 people in one house.

2. Tough on the teeth, but what the hell!

3. The situation in North China is bad

4. OPEC then began to add extra barrels in the fall of 2007, seeing that supplies were tight and prices were beginning to soar.


5. Dude, i can't. i need the floating gox for volume.

6. But we're not going to be able to hide from the Company on a sstring budget.

7. if you can't pay the hospital bills, take her home for now.

8. The General ordered that food cannot be given out

9. Wilkinson High School has been operating at a budget deficit for several years.

10. if the iBRD continues its lending at the current rate, by mid-2010 it will be capital constrained.


11. "The indications are that iron ore markets will remain very tight next year, which will lead to a further price increase, " said Mr Bielski.


12. Time is tighter than expected.

13. i have been somewhat pressed but late.

14. More damaging is the absence of Charles. Wounded in the heel a few days before, he is unable to lead his troops.


15. The last news from Poland was very alarming.


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