无利可图用英语怎么说 无利可图英语翻译

无利可图用英语说"  Unprofitable",其次还可以说成"unprofitable",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到72个与无利可图相关的短语释义和例句。

无利可图用英语怎么说 无利可图英语翻译

无利可图用英语说"  Unprofitable",其次还可以说成"unprofitable",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到72个与无利可图相关的短语释义和例句。

unprofitable contract ( 无利可图的合约 )

unremunerative terms ( 无利可图的条件 )

gainfulunremunerative ( 有利益的无利可图的 )

1. Know this. A pRofitless deal is a bad one.

2. There is just no profit there.

3. We will need all our cunning to bring them to heel!

4. Once reshaped, the CDS market will be a bit duller and a lot less lucrative.


5. The movie industry is profitable.

6. Low interest rates have made bonds and bank deposits unrewarding too.

7. it was a purely disinterested operation in the strictest sense of the term, and offered not the slightest chance of profit.


9. And the commitment needed to make it happen can only occur at a severe financial loss.

译文:因为在那里无利可图 而要让这些发生 只能是在经济严重损失的时候出现。

10. The problem with this model is there are some amazing messages that need to be said, that aren't profitable to say.

译文:这一观念的问题在于 有些需要传递的很棒的讯息 是无利可图的。

11. Speaking to a conference in Zurich, Gerard Aquilina of Barclays Wealth Management's private- banking unit said the rich drive a tough and sometimes unprofitable bargain.

译文:在苏黎世的一次会议上,巴克莱公司私人银行部门主管阿奎里纳(Gerard Aquilina)表示,富豪提出的要求十分苛刻,有时甚至让对方无利可图。

12. The problem with this model is that there are some amazing messages that need to be said that aren't profitable to say.

译文:这一观念的问题在于 有些需要传递的很棒的讯息 是无利可图的。

13. A profit less deal is a bad one!

14. So, i have to fill the tables.

15. 'A pRofitless deal is a bad one! '


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