高级律师用英语怎么说 高级律师英语翻译

高级律师的英语可以这样说:Queen's premier serjeant,其次还可以说成"king's",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到45个与高级律师相关的短语翻译和用法。

高级律师用英语怎么说 高级律师英语翻译

高级律师的英语可以这样说:Queen's premier serjeant,其次还可以说成"king's",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到45个与高级律师相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. Only a barrister can actually plead a case in court.

3. Enough to access the frequent-flyer account - no password required - and from there to identify the passenger as John Tudor, a senior NHS lawyer of 34 Beech Drive, Richmond.

译文:该号码定位到了一个乘机常客的账户 没有密码限制 从账户上可以查到乘机人姓名为John Tudor 一个国民医疗服务机构的高级律师。

4. The new superintendent is here

5. it's already a big advance over many other animals who wouldn't be able to do that.

6. Dirtbags of the highest order.

7. "The implication for me is we still have a long way to go to reduce toxic air pollution to protect the public, " said John Walke, a senior attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council.

译文:“这对于我来说的言外之意是,为了降低有毒空气的染,保护公共安全,我们还有很长的路要走”自然资源保护委员会的高级律师约翰 沃尔克说。

8. Ngau Tau styling and appearance of High Fashion. High places suit.

9. "i hear the two o 'you are going to fight for us," the serjeant said.

10. - Patented manufacture of wash-tubs.

11. His posh lawyer'll say he was in shock or something.

12. Senior VP, head of a division.

13. i'm a lawyer, a barrister.

14. in the United States department of homeland security,

15. Relax. You're in the hands of the finest, most experienced barrister in London.


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