农民培训用英语怎么说 农民培训英语翻译


农民培训用英语怎么说 农民培训英语翻译


2. Training programs and recruitment centers have been set up in villages around Jiangmen.

3. The peasants are revolting.

4. Well, i drove back toward Veracruz.

5. Develp training plans and conducts on the jobe training sessions for kitchen employees.

6. Well, i attended Juilliard.

7. That's alright, the training, training sessions will be real easy. Ha.

8. We need more front line health workers, teachers, farmer trainers, sales agents for life-improving goods.

译文:我们需要更多的冲在前线的工人、教师、农民培训员, 提升生活产品的销售人员。

译文:和农民谈谈。你们上一次到农民那去 和农民聊天是什么时候。

12. You think that i am a peasant... an italian peasant and you are special.

13. The training programs are a valuable resource.

14. For supervising, for training and these kind of stuff.

15. He doesn't have the training.


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