四马攒蹄用英语怎么说 四马攒蹄英语翻译

四马攒蹄的英语是"pyramid roof",还网络中常译为"seedy toe",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到68个与四马攒蹄相关的短语释义和例句。

四马攒蹄用英语怎么说 四马攒蹄英语翻译

四马攒蹄的英语是"pyramid roof",还网络中常译为"seedy toe",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到68个与四马攒蹄相关的短语释义和例句。

2. So when he walks, the coffin bone rotates toward the sole of the hoof until it punctures through.

3. After the completion of the turn, the horse is brought back to the track in a forward sideward manner before the second halt.

4. Hooves? They don't have traditional hooves, but they do have one, like, big nail.

5. Hooves? They don't have traditional hooves, but they do have one, like, big nail.

6. Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls; Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls;

8. You just bite this off! it's pork feet, bite pork feet!

9. - And you've brought together by now?

10. Add it to the pile! Add it to the stock!

11. The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in.

12. i've saved a little money.

13. The poultice that will help your horse's hoof.

14. You step your left hoof in You pull it right back out

15. i wanted a little money in my pockets.


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