林尽水源用英语怎么说 林尽水源英语翻译

林尽水源用英语说"supplementary water source",还网络中常译为"source of water",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到45个与林尽水源相关的译文和例句。

林尽水源用英语怎么说 林尽水源英语翻译

林尽水源用英语说"supplementary water source",还网络中常译为"source of water",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到45个与林尽水源相关的译文和例句。

3. - Take on some grown-up responsibility!

4. He puts in a stick of dynamite to start the water running.

5. There'll be dry country, dry wells when we get to 'em.

6. - Somebody's poisoned the water hole.

7. Division and Managements of Waterhead Self-restraint forest, Water and Soil Conservation Forest

8. Like a place that has dancing? There is everything. Everything?

9. Great tracts of North America flush red as the season progresses.

10. - Water. Where is the supply?

11. To defend our water supply too.

12. The source of your water is some way away.

13. Want to keep them away from that water.

14. infrastructure and water sources.

15. Allahu Akbar, yes. This is the source of the water.




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