殖民地用英语怎么说 殖民地的英语翻译

殖民地的英语是"  colony",还网络中常译为"colony",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到53个与殖民地相关的翻译和例句。

殖民地用英语怎么说 殖民地的英语翻译

殖民地的英语是"  colony",还网络中常译为"colony",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到53个与殖民地相关的翻译和例句。

殖民地翻译为   Lost Planet Extreme Condition Colonies。

示例:They're a normal condition of the planet. 都是行星的正常情况

1. United Colonies( 联合殖民地;殖民地联盟;联合的殖民地)

2. colonise(开拓殖民地 移民于殖民地,在……开拓殖民地 移于殖民地,殖民地化 移植)

german colonial empire ( 德国殖民地 )

a semi-colonial semi-feudal society ( 半殖民地半封建社会 )

semi-colonial and semi-feudal society ( 半殖民地半封建的社会 )

Straits Settlements STRAITS SETTLE the Straits Settlement the straits settlements ( 海峡殖民地 )

1. i bet the Colony doesn't even exist!

2. Look, the colony's on fire.

3. But we are in the colonies.

4. Earthquakes rock the African colonies.

5. The pig will take them sky high.

6. Candidate for Colony residency:

7. No longer provinces, or colonies but Rome, Rome everywhere.

11. it would banish me from the village.

12. The occupation of the Colonies was an error.

13. Stygian Penal Colony, Hades Universe.

14. What are you doing lurking around the settlement?

15. "i sail the sun with a south wind, dreaming Duilio colonies."




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