虾虎用英语怎么说 虾虎的英语翻译

虾虎的英语是"jumbo tiger prawn",还网络中常译为"goby",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到29个与虾虎相关的译文和例句。

虾虎用英语怎么说 虾虎的英语翻译

虾虎的英语是"jumbo tiger prawn",还网络中常译为"goby",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到29个与虾虎相关的译文和例句。


3. in that giant goby, we found traces of Nishiwakitrophin.

4. tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water.

5. - Hi, Harve. - How are you, Virgil?

6. it is Hook. The name is James Hook.

7. - it's coming up with shrimp.

8. Soft, Soft, Tough, Tough, Soft, Soft, Tough, Soft.

9. with flicked its tale the goby warns the shrimp of approaching foes

10. -This is seriously amazing.

11. i'm not necessarily talking to the food.

12. Christmastree worms shelter a goby (at left) in their coral reef habitat.

13. And thus, in July this year, Dr Victor's mystery goby became Coryphopterus kuna.

译文:因此在今年七月,维克托(Victor)博士的神秘虾虎鱼被命名为Coryphopterus kuna。

14. You need to go get shrimp.

15. Jacques, i said no cleaning.


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