白城魔鬼用英语怎么说 白城魔鬼英语翻译

白城魔鬼用英语翻译为"daimon",还网络中常译为"our foe",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到61个与白城魔鬼相关的短语翻译和用法。

白城魔鬼用英语怎么说 白城魔鬼英语翻译

白城魔鬼用英语翻译为"daimon",还网络中常译为"our foe",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到61个与白城魔鬼相关的短语翻译和用法。

3. Sometimes the devil allows people to live a life free of trouble 'cause he doesn't want them turning to God.

4. An angry devil is a harmless devil.

5. Hasn't perhaps your spiritual laziness taken the shape of those demons?

9. To the devil... to the devil.

10. - Because New York City is a black-and-white town.

11. Evil! Evil in its living state.

12. Lucifer, simply the warden of a very large prison. Quiet man, actually.

13. You called yourself the Devil, the Demon, the Deceiver.

14. i think a retaliatory strike against the White City... is really the only way to go on this.

15. The western slope of Songliao basin is located in Baicheng district, western Jilin province.




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