座位用英语怎么说 座位的英语翻译

座位在英语中的翻译是"4 In the beef cattle a total of 137 alleles have been detected with an average 9.8 for each seat.",其次还可以说成"  Seat",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到62个与座位相关的翻译和例句。

座位用英语怎么说 座位的英语翻译

座位在英语中的翻译是"4 In the beef cattle a total of 137 alleles have been detected with an average 9.8 for each seat.",其次还可以说成"  Seat",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到62个与座位相关的翻译和例句。

1. 4 In the beef cattle a total of 137 alleles have been detected with an average 9.8 for each seat.

座位翻译为 4 In the beef cattle a total of 137 alleles have been detected with an average 9.8 for each seat.。

Do not leave your seat until the plane is airborne.

Reserved seating Reserved d seating ( 预定的座位 )

Reserved seating reserve a seat Booking a Table Seat selection ( 预定座位 )

gene locus t locus gene loci Genetic locus ( 基因座位 遗 )

Restaurant Reservation Reserving a Table I Reservation book the seat ( 预订座位 )

Seat number Seat Desk Number seatnumber ( 座位号 )

1. - You happen to be in my seat. Can i have it? - Of course.

2. Actually, this is a private area, so...

3. - There is no space available on the flight

4. They slammed the seat on it.

5. All of you need to be in your seats.

6. - i kept your seat warm for you.

7. it's that experience in a 400-seater, 500-seater at the Roxy.

8. it's tiny. it's built for one passenger, but it's fast.

9. Sit down, get in your seats.

10. Take your places! Schnell!

11. -i gotta be getting back to my table.

12. We'll have a big parade and serve... i can't stand it any more.

13. - Seat heaters ? that's cool...

14. Come, there is room up here!

15. How come they all have seats except us?


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