油滴盏用英语怎么说 油滴盏的英语翻译


油滴盏用英语怎么说 油滴盏的英语翻译


3. Drip pan:a pan for catching the drippings from roasting meat.

4. ♪ Ba-deedly de-ba da-ba da-ba ♪

5. ♪ And drove the tyrants from the sea

6. An emulsifying agent helps to keep the oil particles from combining in three basic ways.

7. And so every drop was a little bit different.

8. Get out of sterling fast. And i want every barrel of oil you can find.

9. We can imagine microscopic droplets of these volatile oils suspended in the air.

10. This squeezes the coloured oil into a tiny droplet in the corner of the pixel, where it cannot be seen.


11. Recorded Voice: Tick, tick, tick.

12. My tears fall into the river, drop by drop...

13. One drop plus one drop makes a bigger drop, not two.

14. You have on your left an olive oil droplet, and this olive oil droplet gets attacked by enzymes.

译文:在你的左边 是一滴橄榄油, 这种橄榄油会被酶类攻击。

15. One tallow candle stain, or even two, might come by chance but when i see, Watson, no less than five,




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