孤雌繁殖用英语怎么说 孤雌繁殖英语翻译


孤雌繁殖用英语怎么说 孤雌繁殖英语翻译


2. Scientists are also trying to lure male pythons into traps using the scent that females emit at breeding time.


3. Makoto will probably miss you.

4. -Age got nothin' to do with it.

5. However, there is no direct evidence that genomic imprinting is the only barrier to parthenogenetic development.


6. Newly settled each year are issued to the giant panda breeding season, male, female cohabiting with a rare giant panda.


7. And they wait for the females...

8. You don't want to be alone.

9. Good cannot exist without evil.

10. i don't know if my headaches are corrupting my mind, or if my worries are causing my headaches.

译文:不知是孤的头疾蛊惑了孤的心智 还是孤的心扰致孤的头疾。

14. So many people think i'll kill the Emperor, so they try to kill me.

15. This is Lone Wolf, two-two-O-five-six




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