冗词赘句用英语怎么说 冗词赘句英语翻译

冗词赘句的英语是"verbose writings",还经常被译作superfluous words and redundant sentences,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到46个与冗词赘句相关的释义和例句。

冗词赘句用英语怎么说 冗词赘句英语翻译

冗词赘句的英语是"verbose writings",还经常被译作superfluous words and redundant sentences,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到46个与冗词赘句相关的释义和例句。

冗词赘句翻译为superfluous words and redundant sentences。

示例:She gave him a look that made words superfluous.

1. There are vegetations all over his aortic valve.

2. Such verrucae are too small to cause serious cardiac problems.

3. Objective: To study the anatomically contributing factors of epicanthus.

4. He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse.


5. Excision of skin of nose for rhinophyma

6. Treatment of blepharal pedunculated and bridged scar with minimally invasive by partly excision combined with electrocautery

7. Okay, here's the truth as i know it.

8. Look at this growth. You knew he was a heart patient.

9. - in the form of a question.

10. There was a phrase from...

11. He uttered a negative imperative.

12. Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.

13. Echocardiography found vegetations in 6 cases, spleen abscess in 1 case.

14. The endocrinal changes of ovary non- vegetation cysts

15. Overt and verbalized responses can be divided into answers and replies.


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