休息区用英语怎么说 休息区的英语翻译

休息区用英语说"rest area",还网络中常译为"waiting room lounge",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到31个与休息区相关的译文和例句。

休息区用英语怎么说 休息区的英语翻译

休息区用英语说"rest area",还网络中常译为"waiting room lounge",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到31个与休息区相关的译文和例句。

Athletes Area Athletes Lounge ( 运动员休息区 )

Wooden Sundeck with Seating ( 日光木台休息区 )

VIP lounge vip rest area VIP AREA ( 贵宾休息区 )

1. Decorated foyers, both in modern and classic design.

2. Now, if you'll follow me, i'll take you up to our ViP lounge.

3. The messenger returned to the dugout.

4. isn't that the cowboy from the rest area?

5. Return to docking bay and power down.

6. i advised you to proceed to the next rest area.

7. i saw the guys, pushing you out of the dugout.

8. Uh, rest stops, abandoned places mainly.

9. it appears that the men were sound asleep inside their car at a rest area.

10. Contemporary sitting room is differentiated to be repast area commonly, receive a visitor area and study area (or rest area) etc.


11. You tell me what i want to know, it's a pit-stop.

12. Get them in the dugout, Prinl.

13. There's no overnight parking in the rest area.

14. Use the Crowbar to enter the Drivers Quarters, sneak through into the Vehicle Compound, and then stow away in the back of a truck .

15. i'll be waiting in the front lounge area.





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