水之湄用英语怎么说 水之湄的英语翻译

水之湄的英语为"Mae Chai",还网络中常译为"mei jiao",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到39个与水之湄相关的短语释义和例句。

水之湄用英语怎么说 水之湄的英语翻译

水之湄的英语为"Mae Chai",还网络中常译为"mei jiao",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到39个与水之湄相关的短语释义和例句。


3. So the people could drink the water.

4. Above shamisen, add water, Zhu Zhi, or boiled water or water brew brewing, casual drinking.


5. - i know we went to the Edgewater Beach Monday.

6. is this the boat... that'll take me across the mirror of water?

7. This is top of well-known Puyang twenty places of interest.

8. Mizuno Yunoshin is my name before i entered the chambers.

9. it is my belief that a moment of chaos affords opportunities lost soon after.

10. My name is Mizuno Yunoshin.

11. The Ahriman was suspended between the waters and the air.

12. The river mists have lifted.

13. Mizutani people are eating into the stomach, so stomach Valley to the sea water.

14. i am going to "MayHongSun" with Maek

15. The absolute being farmland form, such as hillock, soft and beautiful its water, the limpidity of the water.


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