集训用英语怎么说 集训的英语翻译

集训的英语是"  bootcamp",还可以翻译为  intensified training,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到18个与集训相关的短语释义和例句。

集训用英语怎么说 集训的英语翻译

集训的英语是"  bootcamp",还可以翻译为  intensified training,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到18个与集训相关的短语释义和例句。

Speaking Camp Part Three Sgeaking Camp ( 口才集训营 )

camp Training camp CS ( 集训营 )

train and consolidate ( 整编集训 )

1. Because of some school projects, Coach Nishiyura will be leaving team training as of today.

2. How much can be credited to innate talent and how much to intensive training?

3. During the training camp this summer, i'd like Naoko-san to help us.

4. Until the hearing, no overseas exercises, no sky policing.

5. Feels like football tryouts.

6. The training comes to an end.

7. Anelka left the Team France Camp on the same evening.

8. You have two weeks off to meet your girlfriends... and family.

9. if you accept you'll all receive special training.

10. But during the training camp,

11. Welcome to our training camp, gentlemen.

12. From the training camp until the marathon, she will partite as the manager.

13. [Sighs] You know how i feel about nepotism.

14. A camp, in Pomerania where they train spies to work in Poland.

15. Training season starts next week. You can pick up your stuff...




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