临江之麋用英语怎么说 临江之麋英语翻译

临江之麋用英语翻译为"elk's horn",还网络中常译为"Moose Javians",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到40个与临江之麋相关的翻译和例句。

临江之麋用英语怎么说 临江之麋英语翻译

临江之麋用英语翻译为"elk's horn",还网络中常译为"Moose Javians",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到40个与临江之麋相关的翻译和例句。

4. Fangs of power, fur of protection. Battle cry:

5. Welcome all the friends come to visit Jiangxi Dongxu Chemical Technology co., Ltd. to guide and business negotiation.


6. All right, Moose. You're the helper.

7. Wanli, Geng keep the money if the Riverside, with different governance.


8. Gingko Fusion Sichuan Cuisine, 12 Linjiang Middle Road; (86-28) 8555-5588.

译文:银杏川菜酒楼,临江中路12号, 电话(86-28) 8555-5588。

9. -=TLF字幕组=- 十周年荣誉出品 分享创作之乐,共赏字幕之美

译文:-=TLF字幕组=- 十周年荣誉出品 分享创作之乐,共赏字幕之美。

10. Jiangsu Fengyang Energy Science and Technology Co., LTD.

11. At that time the most famous ink-stick was "Yumi-mo" produced at Qianyang, Shaanxi.

12. Linjiang is famed of "the home of Chinese mountain red stonecrop" .

13. Waste for the one should be food for the other.

14. The Norwegian Elkhound is a hardy gray hunting dog.

15. Chants insufficiency of the song, did not know foot ofdance of the hand steps.




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