直冲云霄用英语怎么说 直冲云霄英语翻译

直冲云霄用英语翻译为"  Fly up high to the open sky",还可以翻译为  the Big Shot,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到46个与直冲云霄相关的短语释义和例句。

直冲云霄用英语怎么说 直冲云霄英语翻译

直冲云霄用英语翻译为"  Fly up high to the open sky",还可以翻译为  the Big Shot,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到46个与直冲云霄相关的短语释义和例句。

1.   Fly up high to the open sky

直冲云霄翻译为   Fly up high to the open sky。

Annie: I guess the phrase "soaring up to the sky" must refer to the high jump.

3. Shanghai television showed billows of black smoke rising high in the sky after the crash.


4. Boy falls from the sky, rise above.

5. ¶ As the bells filled the air ¶

6. i want to ride the roller coaster.

7. She's headed straight for the curtain!

8. - it flies over the clouds!

9. There were flames until the sky and a strange smell.

10. Smoke rising into the sky.

11. But no sign of our shark, i'm afraid.

12. i am a volcano quiet in many years, i wish one day the magma burry in my mind will spout to the sky!


13. The priest's prayers rise up to the clouds.

14. i'm going towards the oven door.

15. New York became a city hanging gardens to heaven.


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