介绍中国用英语怎么说 介绍中国英语翻译

介绍中国的英语是"introduce ... to",还可以翻译为postintroductory,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到61个与介绍中国相关的短语释义和例句。

介绍中国用英语怎么说 介绍中国英语翻译

介绍中国的英语是"introduce ... to",还可以翻译为postintroductory,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到61个与介绍中国相关的短语释义和例句。

Describes a Chinese girl Introduce a Chinese girl Introduction of a Chinese girl ( 介绍一位中国女孩 )

1. Q: Could you update us on the latest developments of the incident of Chinese crewmen being killed in the attack on the Mekong River?

2. introductions, introductions.

3. GameSpot: Tell us about China as a faction, and its unique abilities and characteristics.


4. Can you introduce me to her?

5. in terms of the political changes, they have introduced village elections.

6. - May i introduce to you... - Go ahead.

7. - Well, i'll fix that right up, come on!

8. Plz introduce Us3 to chinese folks.

9. You could introduce us, Mansart!

10. - Thanks. Thanks for that.

11. Hook me up with her friends.

12. Policy reinforcement-Communicating Oerlikon treasury policies and procedures, as necessary, within China.

13. i present to you the first of his line:

14. Come... i'll do the introduction

15. - Bring on the dancing girls!


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