射声用英语怎么说 射声的英语翻译

射声的英语为"projector measurement",还可以翻译为oaes,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到55个与射声相关的释义和例句。

射声用英语怎么说 射声的英语翻译

射声的英语为"projector measurement",还可以翻译为oaes,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到55个与射声相关的释义和例句。

1. Fuck, shoot me, then. Fucking shoot me!

2. Tell me when you're gonna come.

3. Don't come until i say you can.

4. Missed again! Missed again!

5. Bang bang, b, b bang bang. Shoot, shoot, shoot.

6. i hit 'em right where i wanted to.

7. -Do it now! -Sam, don't you do it.

8. He likes shooting cops a lot more than getting laid.

9. So if you're plannin' to shoot anything else up, then... (HAMMER COCKS)

译文:假如你看到什么都想射的话, 那么 - [ 撞锤声 ]。

10. Shoot me already! Shoot me!

11. Here, you shoot. You shoot.

12. Come slowly too. Gently, slowly. What dominating fingers you have!

13. i wanna shoot him. i wanna shoot him!

14. Head shot's no good. it has to be the heart.

15. - She's on the ceiling! - Shoot! Shoot!




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