金边黄杨用英语怎么说 金边黄杨英语翻译

金边黄杨的英语可以这样说:gindes,其次还可以说成"Phnom Penh",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到49个与金边黄杨相关的翻译和例句。

金边黄杨用英语怎么说 金边黄杨英语翻译

金边黄杨的英语可以这样说:gindes,其次还可以说成"Phnom Penh",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到49个与金边黄杨相关的翻译和例句。

3. - Real leather. The pages have gold on 'em.

4. i've taken it in at the back added wider epaulets and looped gold braiding.

5. A suitable land cover plant for cities greening--Buxus sinica

6. Made a blaze with a parade, battle ribbons, and stars.

7. Just take a gander at this handsome gold inlay.

8. A Quantitative Classification Study on the Plants of Buxus L. From China

9. That we were supposed to have gold-Trimmed, padded seats, right?

10. How's the situation over in Phnompenh?

11. So expensive, yours must be lined with gold!

12. Rooting characteristics and endogenous hormone levels in Buxus sinica var. Parvifolia during spring cutting

13. Study on the genus Buxus from Henan

14. Determination of daphnetin content in Daphne odora Thunb nose drops

15. This is one of the oldest wats in Phnom Penh.





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