会计员用英语怎么说 会计员的英语翻译

会计员用英语翻译为"  bookkeeper",还经常被译作bursar,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到77个与会计员相关的短语翻译和用法。

会计员用英语怎么说 会计员的英语翻译

会计员用英语翻译为"  bookkeeper",还经常被译作bursar,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到77个与会计员相关的短语翻译和用法。

cost accountant cost accounting clerk costs accountant ( 成本会计员 会计 )

junior accountant ( 初级会计员 会计 )

Senior Accountant-AP ( 高级会计员 )

1. Raymond... in accounting? He's kind of cute, huh?

2. The clerks and the book keepers.

3. He's the nation's top accountant.

4. i'm just a lousy, coin collecting accountant.

5. i should have been an accountant.

6. All right, bookkeeper, talk.

7. She was the receptionist at my accountant's office.

8. COSO reporting; Accounting internal control; Accounting supervising;

9. i'm the bursar. What do you want, who are you?

10. it is similar to accounting.

11. Well, Mr. accountant doesn't get it. Look out!

12. One... i could have been a cool accountant, not a nerdy one.

译文:一-- i 会有 是一凉爽的 会计员,不 nerdy 一。

13. Ms. white, you are the accountant of record for many of these reports, is that correct?

14. The Chairperson should be a member of the general public and not an accountant.

15. i'm ira Stein, your father's accountant.




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