时代英雄用英语怎么说 时代英雄英语翻译

时代英雄用英语说"hero",在日常中也可以翻译为"folk heroes",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到65个与时代英雄相关的短语释义和例句。

时代英雄用英语怎么说 时代英雄英语翻译

时代英雄用英语说"hero",在日常中也可以翻译为"folk heroes",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到65个与时代英雄相关的短语释义和例句。

2. i see that you are "the reincarnation of Siegfried, a German hero from the golden age. "

3. - i call dibs on the Golden Age Flash.

4. Z is no hero. We are the heroes.

5. i don't like heroes, Conklin. They think the rules don't apply.

6. Butnotahero,Marusya! it is not a hero.

7. Enter the hero. The big hero.

8. No one was a hero. No one was a hero.

9. Ovid describes only four ages, omitting the age of Heroes.

10. How much i admire those imposing heroes but again, how much i detest the chaotic, corrupt times in which they lived.


11. Our generation's heroes maybe are more humble.

12. No one was a hero. No one was a hero.

13. Russell Crowe, you filled a whole arena with the force of your face and put the human back in the hero.


14. He's a hero for our times,

15. And the era of the black hero had arrived


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