蛮夷之地用英语怎么说 蛮夷之地英语翻译

蛮夷之地的英语为"lightlessly",还可以翻译为lands of opportunity,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到92个与蛮夷之地相关的释义和例句。

蛮夷之地用英语怎么说 蛮夷之地英语翻译

蛮夷之地的英语为"lightlessly",还可以翻译为lands of opportunity,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到92个与蛮夷之地相关的释义和例句。

3. "in the moral leper colony."

7. Our soldiers are being slaughtered by those Joseon fools and their weapons.

译文:陛下 蛮夷用火炮攻击 我马没有抵抗力损失惨重。

8. Make a truce with the barbarians.

译文:跟蛮夷休战 Make a truce with the barbarians.。

9. These barbarians are liars.

10. Thousands from the barbarian horde will descend.

11. Glory glades. - That glory glades.

12. iraq, it's a land of miracles.

13. But where geese gather, so do the eagles.

14. 0nly a short way from the temples of pleasure is the temple of punishment, Alcatraz island.

15. My dear, we were wondering, among the saes, is it true...?





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