出入库用英语怎么说 出入库的英语翻译

出入库的英语可以这样说:invemtory and void inventory -,其次还可以说成"out-put and in-put of warehouse",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到26个与出入库相关的翻译和例句。

出入库用英语怎么说 出入库的英语翻译

出入库的英语可以这样说:invemtory and void inventory -,其次还可以说成"out-put and in-put of warehouse",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到26个与出入库相关的翻译和例句。

1. invemtory and void inventory -

出入库翻译为 invemtory and void inventory -。


Formulate strict storage procedures and inventory management from raw materials of various departments requisitioning system.

2. out-put and in-put of warehouse

出入库翻译为out-put and in-put of warehouse。


The design of the packaging must ensure that the product's performance and features are not impaired when it is packed, dispatched, put into storage and removed from storage.

out put in storage management Handling shipment receiving&shipping ( 出入库管理 )

Responsible for raw materials warehousing access to raw materials base ( 负责原材料出入库 )

TRUNCATE TABLE icstockbillEntry ( 删除存货出入库明细账 )

input/output library ( 输入输出程序库 )

Formatting I O Library ( 格式化输入输出库 )

Inbound and outbound of coils&FG ( 钢卷的入库 出库 )

Raw material warehousing and storage ( 原材料出库和入库 )

1. Doorways to where? Doorways in...time.

2. i can move through parallel worlds, in and out.

3. You wouldn't know it from that broom closet you parked me in.

4. Okay, Mondays, the new mcripts come in.

5. Now, you got some construction limiting access.

6. - All finished, sir. Sealed and vaulted.

7. Conversely, GRN knockdown increased WNT1 expression, demonstrating that Wnt and GRN reciprocally regulate each other.


8. - Yeah. it goes back each night or it's a felony.

9. Along with those four other dudes

10. Finance will bookkeep this warehouse entry information in ERP.

11. Secure the outer gates and use extreme caution upon encounter.

12. Since the gold is already in the vault, there isn't anything we can do.

13. i think Tsim Sha Tsui's his turf.

14. i checked that into evidence myself.

15. All their property will be confied and deposited in the national reserve


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