军正用英语怎么说 军正的英语翻译

军正的英语是"Helm amidship!",还经常被译作firearm bolt,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到31个与军正相关的译文和例句。

军正用英语怎么说 军正的英语翻译

军正的英语是"Helm amidship!",还经常被译作firearm bolt,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到31个与军正相关的译文和例句。

The two armies are contesting every inch of ground.


The Army is undertaking the upgrades to ensure a seamless intece with existing networks and to provide extensive security and business continuity.

paramilitaries paramilitary ( 辅助正规军的 )

MJ Junior Thanks weatherhkg ( 杨正军 )

1. To declare that the New Fourth Army has "mutinied" and cancel its official designation.

2. - Pretty bad - Your trousers, Zhang Jun

3. Poor souls. First the Reds, then the Whites.

4. - Positive spin. - Positive spin.

5. The Ming army has passed Byung-jang and is moving into the Pa-juh valley.

6. 10 iRA prisoners were in the process of starving themselves to death in protest against conditions in jail.

译文:10名爱尔兰共和军犯人正誓死绝食 中的恶劣条件。

7. And the army is fleeing towards Bukavu.

8. Horse thieves of the Japanese.

9. Be braver than the bravest stronger than the strongest.

10. What about the New 5th and the 18th?

11. Wenck is advancing with the 12th army.

译文:温克的第十二军正发动进攻 他可以与布塞的第九军会合...。

12. A field army was composed of armies, an army of corps (originally called columns), a corps of divisions, and a division of regiments.


13. Units of the state police along with local members of the National Guard are now being mobilized.

14. Forest Company and Fire Company, present!

15. He's really going to do it!


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