日日夜夜用英语怎么说 日日夜夜英语翻译

日日夜夜的英语翻译是"  Day Night Day Night",还经常被译作  day and night,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到51个与日日夜夜相关的短语翻译和用法。

日日夜夜用英语怎么说 日日夜夜英语翻译

日日夜夜的英语翻译是"  Day Night Day Night",还经常被译作  day and night,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到51个与日日夜夜相关的短语翻译和用法。

Parental day and night ( 父母日日夜夜地工作 )

I miss you each month ( 日日夜夜地思念着你 )

all the same to me ( 日日夜夜撒鼻息 )

1. And jumping' and pumpin'... and doin' it and...

译文:日日夜夜,日日夜夜... ... 再爽, 再爽...。

2. The day and night of reckoning is here.

3. i'm on a fight, day and night.

4. We were inseparable by day and insatiable by night.

5. Saro' il tuo incubo, di giorno e notte

6. i've been concerned about him all his life, night and day.

7. - i work every day, evenings, too.

8. And Night and Day, how much it means to me.

9. "lf you can wait for 100 days

10. Guard it by day and by night, against all force and bad might.

11. i'm on a fight, day and night.

12. There was no time. i was working night and day.

13. i prayed every day and night.

14. Full immersion, day and night.

15. Music's in my soul i can hear it





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