怒良晴空用英语怎么说 怒良晴空英语翻译

怒良晴空用英语说"les facheux",还网络中常译为"medium altitude cat",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到12个与怒良晴空相关的翻译和例句。

怒良晴空用英语怎么说 怒良晴空英语翻译

怒良晴空用英语说"les facheux",还网络中常译为"medium altitude cat",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到12个与怒良晴空相关的翻译和例句。

2. We have proof that Leung, alias Yuda,

3. it clearly looks like a bullet wound but it's impossible to have brought a gun into the courtroom.

4. ♪ And the skies are not cloudy all day ♪

5. That's Anger, he cares very deeply about things being fair.

译文:那是怒怒 他... That's Anger. He...。

6. Hey, Old Leung is here too?

7. Please don't be mad at her.

8. Just find us some good air.

9. - Ooh, he's so angry. - No!

10. He cites the fine open weather.

11. Eliminating the violence and Salvating the people.

12. Let me introduce them to you

13. "just like a crazy dragon"

14. The Wrath of Vajra is no ordinary wrath.

15. -Oh, the Sky Tree. That's the Sky Tree.




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