云集用英语怎么说 云集的英语翻译

云集的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为converge,其次还可以说成"come together in crowds",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到76个与云集相关的短语释义和例句。

云集用英语怎么说 云集的英语翻译

云集的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为converge,其次还可以说成"come together in crowds",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到76个与云集相关的短语释义和例句。

TagsCloud Tags All TAGS ( 标签云集 )

star-studded Stellium ( 众星云集 )

1. Religious exiles of all persuasions flocked from across Europe.

2. Today, the world's largest advertisers are here to partite in an auction of those ad spots.

译文:今天 全球重要广告商都云集在此... 参加葬礼广告的竞标。

3. Over 15,000 scientists go to San Francisco every year for that.

4. How can we rob it? it needs a group of experts.

5. Here are Japan's greatest scientific minds from various fields.

6. Politicians, actors Stars of every flavour

7. Scotts Shopping Centre boasts a good mix of fashion, jewellery, beauty and food outlets.

8. Some of the brightest inventors converge at these automobile conventions.

9. Many foreign merchants gathered in Guangzhou.

10. Can you believe all the talent here today?

11. This was a prison assignment which was one big den of criminals.

12. As the river shrinks, the hippos crowd together in the few remaining deep-water pools.

13. Foreign workers' compound The Persian Gulf

14. We have a tremendous amount of talented athletes out on the floor.

15. By then, the five continents friends, gathered in the six-party guests, which encompassed the size of the numerous business opportunities.


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