煜煜生辉用英语怎么说 煜煜生辉英语翻译


煜煜生辉用英语怎么说 煜煜生辉英语翻译


1. What a pleasure it is to have you.

2. i am truly honoured to be able to welcome you to my humble abode!

3. Ray Charles headlines at a thousand per or no deal.

4. The city is made brighter by my presence?

5. You bring honor to my house.

6. We're privileged that you join us. - Thank you.

7. Their iridescent plumage is lit up by the setting sun.

8. The way she looked inside that big top under those lights.

9. That's as big an honour as you can get!

10. i'm going to let it shine

11. Miss Adams, you are here. i'm unworthy. My theater is unworthy.

12. Paul, how are you? Good to have you here.

13. - You honor me with your presence tonight.

14. You shower glory upon us from above.

15. We are profoundly honored to have you and your wife in our home.


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