超级名模用英语怎么说 超级名模英语翻译

超级名模用英语翻译为"  Zoolander",其次还可以说成"supermodel",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到10个与超级名模相关的翻译和例句。

超级名模用英语怎么说 超级名模英语翻译

超级名模用英语翻译为"  Zoolander",其次还可以说成"supermodel",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到10个与超级名模相关的翻译和例句。

Beautiful women WallPaper ( 超级名模壁纸 )

Hollands Supermodel ( 荷兰超级名模 )

1. Why do supermodels say how ugly they were when they were young?

2. And i don't know who she is either, but this is the [16th] century equivalent of a supermodel.

译文:我也不知道她是谁, 但是在15世纪,这相当于我们今日的超级名模。

3. it may be cute, but the latest top model to do it debut in Vogue is too podgy with short legs and whiskers.


4. That's before the past was a supermodel that barfed quietly.

5. i just don't know how it even happened to me, you know?

6. Super, super, super first class.

7. That drive stood her in good stead through her turn as supermodel and, later, as she was launching her business.


8. You could get supermodels to buy donuts.

9. He picked the housekeeper over the supermodel?

10. You are looking like a supermodel compared to her.

11. You don't have to worry, i've got my supermodel right here.

12. Donny G is an artist who happens to look like a supermodel. "

13. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a supermodel?

14. She looks like an obese supermodel.

15. Zoolander's in the conference room!


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