七寸用英语怎么说 七寸的英语翻译

七寸的英语翻译是"Sichon",其次还可以说成"dimensionally tolerance",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到91个与七寸相关的翻译和例句。

七寸用英语怎么说 七寸的英语翻译

七寸的英语翻译是"Sichon",其次还可以说成"dimensionally tolerance",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到91个与七寸相关的翻译和例句。

seven-inch of industry chain ( 产业七寸 )

1. A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long.

2. This is 2 inch thick concussion proof glass... wired with pressure sensitive 7 digit coded alarms.

3. Time flies like which goes grey.

4. Six inches forward and five inches back

5. - And thank you, everyone, for being here...

6. This is a seven-inch hatpin. it's very, very sharp, and i'm going to just sterilize it a tiny bit.


7. i mean wh- when was the last time anything went my way?

8. i need an inch-and-three-quarter line.

9. Six inches forward, five inches back

10. The handle is 1 inch long, 2.6 inches wide, 0.7 inch thick, each side is 1 .5 inches.

11. This is a seven inch hat pin. it's very very sharp. And i'm going to just sterilize it a tiny bit.


12. Your waist is at least 36 inches, right?

译文:你哪儿只有二十七寸,最少三十六寸呀 是不是? 什么。

13. You'd see death creeping towards you a few inches at a time.

14. The other one is seven foot, two inches tall.

15. Yard by yard, fussing on the details





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