贵格会用英语怎么说 贵格会的英语翻译

贵格会的英语可以这样说:Gregory of Nazianzus,还经常被译作quakerss,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到98个与贵格会相关的短语翻译和用法。

贵格会用英语怎么说 贵格会的英语翻译

贵格会的英语可以这样说:Gregory of Nazianzus,还经常被译作quakerss,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到98个与贵格会相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. And obviously it won't be cheap.

2. - Make it expensive. Skaggs is buying.

3. We had to whack that Quaker guy.

4. Yuan Cheng-gui... would you lend me a hand?

5. it's in a slightly higher price range, though.

6. These same fusion centers have spied on Muslim community groups' reading lists and on Quakers who are resisting military recruiting in high schools.

译文:这些融合中心暗中监视 群体的阅读清单, 那些抵制高中军事招募的“贵格会”。

7. You can really taste the extra 10 cents.

8. Here Wulf probably overstates Quaker schools' impact.

9. if we are anything we Quakers are men and women of principle.

译文:如果一定要定义... ... 那么我们贵格会就是男性和女性的法则。

10. His name is Greco Montgomery.

11. Planetary Joint Army: "if no surrender is seen, we will start attacking again"

12. Do you know why expensive clothings are expensive?

13. The killer accepted such an idea as beautiful, for he knew that at least in Hell the Quaker would not be there.

译文:那个凶手接受了这个美丽的论理 因为他知道至少那个贵格会信徒不会在地狱里。

14. Rustin grew up in a Quaker household, and began peacefully protesting racial segregation in high school.

译文:拉斯汀在一个贵格会家庭长大, 高中时就开始和平种族隔离。

15. i know you're a Quaker and won't fight.


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