默化用英语怎么说 默化的英语翻译


默化用英语怎么说 默化的英语翻译



3. Exactly, Heston. So the people can learn to trust us.

4. Make sure your subordinates understand your sense of urgency and work toward instilling this in all of your subordinates.


5. His wife has had a civilizing influence on him.

6. With the propoganda film , it is easy to guide the people to yearn for sky and sun. The people who are be unconsciously influenced will buy the solar energy product.


7. Spend all day with him, it starts to rub off.

译文:和他在一起呆久了 被潜移默化总是难免 Spend all day with him, it starts to rub off.。

8. This is what's being subconsciously communicated to hundreds of millions of young boys and girls all over the world, just like it was with me.

译文:这潜移默化的影响着 世界上成千上万的男孩和女孩, 就像它影响着我一样。

9. She drilled this kind of stuff into me.

10. Lord Griffith advocates ruthless individualism to push this idea that if bankers get rich, then we get rich too through a process known as trickle down economics.

译文:格里菲斯勋爵主张无情的个人主义 潜移默化如下观点 银行家若变富有 其他人也会变富有。

11. When i heard that story, it started to shift a little bit the way that i worked too, and this idea already saved me once.

译文:这个故事潜移默化地改变了我的工作方式,这一转变已经拯救了我一次 这个故事潜移默化地改变了我的工作方式,这一转变已经拯救了我一次。

12. All that this means is that we are subtly influenced by our friends, even when we're not aware of it, especially in matters of money.


13. was, as a motto for teaching, that you kept on teaching them, and that eventually it would get through, and the pupils would change and learn and develop and so on.

译文:教学生就是这样,你不断引导他们 在潜移默化中改变他们,教育他们。

14. Excellent outdoor PSAs conducive to shaping the city external image, and plays a huge role for people's moral cultivation.


15. This was third step of "the political business separation" of the royal government and it had the influencing subtly possibility.


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