初步用英语怎么说 初步的英语翻译


初步用英语怎么说 初步的英语翻译


2. preliminary purification(初步净化;初步提纯)

3. preliminary estimate([经] 初步预算, 初步估算)

4. preliminary plan(初步设计;初步计划)

preliminary ruling initial determination preliminary determination Final Initial Determination ( 初步裁决 )

preliminary design proposal plan initial planning ( 初步设计 科技 )

primary test trial test ( 初步试验 )

1. i should do the prelim scout.

2. i'm having a little problem understanding...

3. Preliminary results say no.

4. This is the rest of the stuff that we got from the dead guy's truck.

5. it's the estimate for the spaceship.

6. Let's begin with the... Our preliminary experiments in Chicago.

7. initial sment Group 2.

8. There's a preliminary report...

9. Predesign stage: Budgetary estimate of blueprint of initial design specification, initial design, initial design.


10. - 1-Gamma through 19-Epsilon.

11. That was his initial explanation.

12. Now, these are only preliminary tests.

13. Preliminary forensics, too.

14. i got back the preliminary autopsy report.

15. Any preliminary observations?




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