自来用英语怎么说 自来的英语翻译

自来用英语翻译为"  always",还可以翻译为in the first place,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到18个与自来相关的翻译和例句。

自来用英语怎么说 自来的英语翻译

自来用英语翻译为"  always",还可以翻译为in the first place,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到18个与自来相关的翻译和例句。

The Uninvited attended without invitation crash the gate unsolicited ( 不请自来 )

cold and hot water taps coldhot water taps ( 冷热自来水龙头 )

Running-water Company water company water utility water supply company ( 自来水公司 )

pen fountain-pen stylo ( 自来水笔 )

1. He joins us within the week.

2. Are you two here on your own?

3. - Tap water's great. Thanks. - Tap.

4. There was no running water.

5. is it okay if i come by myself?

6. Forgive me, my lord, i came without announcement.

7. i want that one for myself.

8. i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited

9. No women in the room unless they're invited.

10. i'd rather think about girls!

11. So now that you are here in the flesh ...

12. Man, who arrives unannounced.

13. Shit, the big boss himself.

14. -He came to the farm uninivted.

15. -i could oversee it myself.


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