可感用英语怎么说 可感的英语翻译

可感用英语翻译为"sensible information processing",还网络中常译为"sensible field",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到80个与可感相关的短语翻译和用法。

可感用英语怎么说 可感的英语翻译

可感用英语翻译为"sensible information processing",还网络中常译为"sensible field",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到80个与可感相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. sensible information processing

可感翻译为sensible information processing。

示例:iPSJ information Processing Society of Japan 日本信息处理学会

2. Darn... it's hard t' be notic'd.

3. So, that's very intuitive, and that's what we want.

4. it sounds like an inferiority complex.

5. No, we do not have a sense of humour we're aware of. May we come in?

译文:调查局的人没有可令人察觉的 幽默感,我们可以进来吗。

6. That's very intuitive, and that's what we want.

7. The utility model can improve the sensitivity of the sensing grounder rolling vector.

8. But, at the same time, she seemed more alive, more powerfully present, than anyone i've ever known.

9. We went from using things we could see and touch, to using machines operating hundreds of miles away.

译文:我们不再使用可见可感之物, 而是用千里之外运行的机器。

10. Mum, that is so wildly helpful. i really appreciate it.

11. She counted on you to see what she saw, feel what she felt, know what she knew.

12. Keeps its mystery that way.

13. Harmony of love so much that tears are coming out

14. Pain with motion is the predominant finding, and crepitation may be palpated with passive motion.

15. You don't know what i'm feeling




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