所得税率用英语怎么说 所得税率英语翻译

所得税率的英语可以这样说:income duty,其次还可以说成"income tax schedule",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到17个与所得税率相关的短语翻译和用法。

所得税率用英语怎么说 所得税率英语翻译

所得税率的英语可以这样说:income duty,其次还可以说成"income tax schedule",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到17个与所得税率相关的短语翻译和用法。

3. i even file my income tax returns.

4. He'll find a way to take it off his income tax.

5. However, Mr Depardieu seems to be chiefly attracted by Russia's flat 13 per cent income tax, as he seeks refuge from high taxes in France.


6. -You pay an income tax i assume.

7. Even France made its wealth tax less swingeing; its top income-tax rate is 41%.


8. The hope is that a flat-rate income tax of 16% and a reduction in company taxes will kickstart growth.


9. On June 14th, however, he appeared to cede ground when he said that "the lowest possible rates" of income tax could help curb tax evasion.


10. Meticulous accounts were maintained, and national insurance, income tax, graduated pensions, corporation tax and value-added tax were most conscientiously paid.

译文:小心维护着账户 国民保险、所得税、养老金 公司所得税和都尽职缴纳。

11. You're gonna file a joint income tax return.

12. And then uses that as an income tax deductible.

13. Article 8. All foreign-invested enterprises set up in Bengbu City shall be exempted from local income tax(3% rate).


14. A big boss, the income tax.

15. i said, we can prosecute him for income tax evasion.


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