公共媒体用英语怎么说 公共媒体英语翻译

公共媒体用英语说"digital medias",其次还可以说成"public media",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到55个与公共媒体相关的翻译和例句。

公共媒体用英语怎么说 公共媒体英语翻译

公共媒体用英语说"digital medias",其次还可以说成"public media",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到55个与公共媒体相关的翻译和例句。

3. When access to media proved to be so difficult, we ran our own media.

译文:当发现运用公共媒体变得越发困难时, 我们就使用了自己的媒体。

4. The media war had drawn blood.

5. [driver speaking English] Press.

6. So we're a media design firm, and we're working with a broad array of different institutions building media installations for museums and public spaces.

译文:我们是一家媒体设计公司 并且和许多不同机构有合作关系 主要是给博物馆及在公共空间安装媒体设备。

7. He says, "Don't hate the media. Be the media."

8. - Okay. What about the press?

9. - The bus! The bus. - You wanna steal a bus?

10. And no public intoxication.

11. Wait. Who is it? The Press, sir.

12. And this is the common area.

13. Helps keep the press out of the picture.

14. i don't talk to the press. Call Public Affairs.

15. The media's got to see this.




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