实战训练用英语怎么说 实战训练英语翻译

实战训练的英语翻译是"real combat training",其次还可以说成"  Actual Combat Training",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到31个与实战训练相关的短语翻译和用法。

实战训练用英语怎么说 实战训练英语翻译

实战训练的英语翻译是"real combat training",其次还可以说成"  Actual Combat Training",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到31个与实战训练相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. i've been training enough, one of the sparraaja knocked me.

2. The referee calls for a stop Legend Verification Failed! The referee calls for a stop

3. The article briefly discusses the tasks for general mental training and competitive mental training and provides corresponding training methods to improve the ability of grapplers in actual combats.


4. You have no real-world experience

5. Trains and uses about the history binger dog's actual combat

6. it is somewhat different in the field.

7. - This is a real combat situation. - Roger.

8. You know this really happened?

9. Well, Doolittle assigned me. He wanted me to get some real- real combat training in.

10. You're just about the only pilots in the Army... with combat experience.

11. This is a live project and you are go.

12. i guess it's good to have another combat veteran training.

13. My point was, you've been in the field too long.

14. You don't have field experience.

15. i am so sick of training. i wanna get out in the field.





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