化学效应用英语怎么说 化学效应英语翻译

化学效应通常被翻译为"mechanochemical effect"的意思,还网络中常译为"magnetochemistry effect",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到52个与化学效应相关的短语释义和例句。

化学效应用英语怎么说 化学效应英语翻译

化学效应通常被翻译为"mechanochemical effect"的意思,还网络中常译为"magnetochemistry effect",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到52个与化学效应相关的短语释义和例句。

1. magnetochemistry effect(磁化学效应)

2. environmental chemical effect([环境] 环境化学效应)

2. Molecular inductive Effect index and Physical-chemical Properties of Paraffinic Hydrocarbons

3. Yeah, like chemistry. i hate chemistry.

4. Effects of solvent and structure on the photophysical and photochemical properties of dye-onium salts have been studied in this report.

5. We observe photophysical and electrochemistry property of biphenyl imide by substituent group effect.


6. Remember the erfly effect.

7. And the ripple effect of that

8. Nuclear Chemistry: radioactive chemicals, radiation chemistry, radiation chemistry, isotope chemistry, nuclear chemistry.


9. Comparative Study on Accumulation of Ah-Receptor Agonists in Contaminated Soil Based on EROD Bioassay and Chemical Analysis


10. Those are your building blocks, everything that is coming out of that particular chemistry set.

11. Barnum effect, in the other word it is called fowler effect and astrologer effect.

12. in this thesis, the content and activity of DiMBOA in wheat seedlings and its biological and chemical induction effects were studied.

13. Stop global warming. Start global cooling.

14. So we call these effects blueshift and redshift.

15. Some kind of maglev effect.





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