国际规则用英语怎么说 国际规则英语翻译

国际规则通常被翻译为"unified international code"的意思,还网络中常译为"international rules football",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到47个与国际规则相关的短语翻译和用法。

国际规则用英语怎么说 国际规则英语翻译

国际规则通常被翻译为"unified international code"的意思,还网络中常译为"international rules football",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到47个与国际规则相关的短语翻译和用法。

示例:A freakish occurrence in international football. 国际足球场上一个奇怪的现象

3. uniform international regulation

国际规则翻译为uniform international regulation。

示例:There's one charity here, Alicorn international. Alicorn International.

2. international rules football( 国际规则足球;国际规则式足球)

3. uniform international regulation( 国际统一规则;统一的国际规则)

4. unified international code( 统一的国际规则)

5. colreg(国际海上避碰规则公约;年国际海上避碰规则公约;碰规则及其修正案)

1. Without the rule of international law, diplomacy, dialogue.

2. And now for the rules... of the international Chinese downhill-- there are none.

3. The iTTF lays down the rules for international competitions.

4. COLREG international Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

5. iBF lays down the rules for international competitions.

6. interpassion, interpassion, interpassion, i am interpassionate.

译文:国际热情, 国际热情 国际热情, 我有着国际热情。

7. Okay, so maybe the iOC picked the wrong rule again.

8. Will international Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? By: Kyle Bagwell and Robert W.

9. Study on the enforcement of iMDG CODE in maritime administration of China

10. The international rulebook is fuzzy on this issue.

11. rules of coding for international postal despatches

12. interpassion, interpassion, interpassion.

13. McLaren Formula One. What's the formula?

14. There is a unique chess rule which involves a special move in chess that many casual players are not aware of, the rule is called "en passant".


15. So, we know it works. What would the content be of these international standards?




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